Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sheer Madness!

I (Michelle) continually find myself praying for time to slow down! It's sheer madness over here at the Cains! What have we been up to, you ask? Well, thanks for asking and here's a run down:

1. Breakfast, lunch and dinner meetings! We have been super blessed by meeting with people, hearing what is going on in their lives, and sharing our vision! Our favorite part is learning how we can pray for everyone we meet with! Have a prayer request? Please email us! We are loving our time in prayer for you!

2. Writing thank you notes! We are excited about how the Lord is graciously providing our monthly as well as our one time support! We are anxious to see His work through us in Honduras unfold!

3. Taking care of two small boys! Asher is 6 months old today so he is changing and growing very quickly. His favorites are trying new foods, rolling over, and "talking" to his brother and anyone who will listen all day long. He also loves to give Mom big wet open mouth kisses on the cheek. Jacob is your typical 3 year old. He is curious about spelling and reading. He spends his mornings at the fridge utilizing the alphabet magnets and asking me, "Mom, how do you spell ___________?" His imagination leads him to fight many giants, flee from monsters, hunt crocodiles and monkeys, and fly multiple times a day to Honduras!

4. Eating well and working out! We recently refined our eating yet again and are feeling full of energy and ready to face each full day!

5. Michelle recently received her first solid "yes" to cloth diaper contributions towards Puerta de Esperanza ! The owner of the diaper shop was sooooo excited to donate continually and wants to be involved for years to come!

6. And of course, the purging of stuff continues. A bag here. A bag there. Slowly but surely. It's not really our focus yet but pairing down has been a relief and a blessing when we get to share with others!

So there you have it: Cains in a nutshell! What's going on in your nutshell?


  1. My dad always said that a lil' bit o' madness would keep one from going entirely mad ;)

    We have a similar madness here with a packed schedule. On one hand I'm so grateful for some many people meeting with us, but on the other hand it's nice to breathe once and awhile...we are right there with you! I will pray for you every time I prep for another meeting!

    Love and Prayers, the Langs

  2. Langs! Love it! We will do the same and pray for you as we prep for our meetings! (p.s- you guys are looking awesome! love following along with your reboot!)
