Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day Three: A Day In the Life

November 16, 2011: Our second full day in La Ceiba was supposed to be like a "normal" day in the life of these missionaries. They didn't disappoint!  We toured three neighborhoods where we may live and then three neighborhoods where we may work.  Below are your "average sights."

Average lemon as big as your head (well, your baby's head, maybe)

Common basilisk (no really, that's it's name)

aka Jesus Christ Lizard 

Average cherry (different species than your average bing)

We had lunch with the Clows (delicious baleadas and papusas, if you must know).  Kathy Clow was then going to take Michelle to the supermarket and John Clow was going to take Adam to the construction site in Armenia Bonito.  Instead, the girls spent the afternoon getting to know each other better and the boys took the van to Discount Tire (ok, not really) to get their flat tire repaired. This was actually a really good taste of what life on the field is like.  Thwarted plans!  We did finally get to see Mega, the average supermarket (the middle range one; one of three supermarkets).

The Clows and Michelle

Average deterrent to what you had planned

We had dinner with the Pettengills (delicious homemade beef and broccoli, if you must know), chatted about life in Honduras and passed out. We were excited to have seen life as the missionaries there experience it.  No rainbows and unicorns through rose colored glasses, or something like that.  

Asher adjusting to the heat and humidity!

1 comment:

  1. HA! Basilisk...totally from Harry Potter!
    And I'm sorry about the lack of seeing rainbows and unicorns...we see Unicorns around here all the time! ;)
