Friday, June 1, 2012

Last this, Last that

I am thrust back into my senior year of high school when I start thinking about our "lasts."  I always rolled my eyes giggled at the funny ones: "This is our last second Tuesday. . . in September . . .in high school," "This is the last time I eat at Golden Chick in December," and "Tonight is the last home football game!" (ok, I love Texas high school football so that one can count!)

Of course, I don't think our "lasts" today are so silly even if you do.   Let me explain: LAST RENT CHECK PAID.  We are stepping out in faith and praying that our last 27% of our monthly support comes in before the end of August.  (God has provided 73% in just four months! Amazing!) We will be in cross cultural training in New York City ALLLLL of July and have been blessed with a guest house to stay in for August.  So last rent check paid means a lot of things for us including clearing out our house, packing up, and lots of training to gear us up for ministry!  It also is a gracious reminder of His perfect provision in our lives!

LAST MORNING WITH TWO CARS! Adam sold his car this morning since we have a really limited time where we need two.  Adam has been working out of the house since January and we rarely use both cars at the same time.  We shared a car about 4 years ago and know this just means increased communication.  It's probably good training for us as we foresee only having one car in Honduras too!

So there's today's "lasts!"  Please be praying for all our changes, for the children to adapt swiftly, for the Lord to provide our remaining support, and for a sweet time of saying goodbye to things, places and people we love!

Tentative schedule:
June 3-9: Living in Grace in North Carlonia
June 21-25: Wedding in Vegas
June 29/30: Move out of our house
July 1-31: Cross Cultural Ministry Internship
August 24/25th: Leavin' on a jet plane??????


  1. How exciting! How refreshing! I bet those "lasts" really help with that feeling of stepping out into something new. We are so excited for you, your family, and your adventure! :) (And I'm excited to see you next week! Yee-haw!)

  2. YEAH!!! How exciting you two! Can't wait to hear about CCMI - we loved it! And then yes - getting on that jet plane and let the Spanish learning begin! How cool would it be if you guys were here this time next year - getting ready to start working with short-term teams! SO crazy/fun!
