We have been in a season of life that has been very, very busy. To bring you up to speed, I have to give you a backstory so it all makes sense. In October, we traveled to the Dominican Republic for MTW Area Retreat that happens once every four years. All the missionaries with our agency from Latin America and Africa get a week of worship, sermons, and breakout sessions in our own language for renewing and refreshing of our minds and souls.
Now, our agency is undergoing lots of change in it's leadership and structure and we were all excited to meet the new MTW Coordinator, Dr. Lloyd Kim. The very first day of the retreat we were made aware of changes in the Central American leadership structure that directly affected Team Honduras in a huge way. Our team leader,
Mike Pettengill, had accepted the position of Country Director of Honduras and Regional Director of Central America. and our teammate,
John Clow, had accepted the newly available position of team leader for our team. We were somewhat (but not totally) surprised by the changes and spent the week (and more) processing. This change is a good thing. Adam and I find the positions to be fitting of the gift sets of both of these men.
But you know how change goes. It's change. It's sometimes uncomfortable, it's stretching, aspects of it unknown. It's always an opportunity to give our fears, doubts, and uncomfortableness over to the Lord; an opportunity to trust Christ more; an opportunity to seek out His perfect plan. We've gotten pretty good at change in our nomad lifestyle of the last two and a half years. Still doesn't make it any easier. Since the announcement of the change, our team has been meeting to reassess the goals and mission of our ministry in La Ceiba as well as a shift in roles and responsibilities. We are excited to see how the Lord uses these changes to further His kingdom for His glory here in La Ceiba.
In our family of four, this has affected Adam the most (duh, right, my main role is still wife and mom and Jacob and Asher to be children. Statements of the obvious). In the absence of our former team leader, Mike, who is on furlough, Adam had already picked up preaching sermons for our team church services and the spiritual care of our team (our weekly Bible study and checking in on everyone). This change also brought weekly discipleship meetings with a couple of the national pastors as well as attending church services that the said Honduran pastors hold. When Adam meets with the Honduran pastors, he gives them theological books and materials in Spanish and they have a (LONG) discussion about what they have been reading and learning. As my husband's helper and supporter, I have had the privilege of watching the Lord develop Adam's heart for church planting through the training up of national pastors. What started as an extra responsibility has become his joy.
Providentially, the changes in Adam's responsibilities with Mike being on furlough coincided with the permanent changes in roles and responsibility with the restructure of our agency and team. As our team reassesses our purpose and everyone's roles in 2015, we look forward expectantly to what the Lord has planned not only in La Ceiba but for our family and ministry here as well.
We covet your prayers for:
-For the Lord to advance the Gospel here in La Ceiba
-For Team Honduras: for the unity only the Holy Spirit can bring
-For the 5 Honduran pastors being taught and discipled by Adam and another teammate
-For a true time of rest every week for our family
-For 2015 to be a year of change and growth